Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions

Purchasing on-line and from overseas
Purchasing on-line and from overseas
The risk is that the contents and quality of the product and packaging is unknown.
Brown or cloudy water is common with some imports usually hidden by using opaque or coloured bottles. Some even have an excessive odour.
The small amount of alcohol will evaporate immediately on the lens surface. It is used to speed up drying and to remove water droplets. The amount of evaporation in the spray bottle is insignificant even over a long period of time.
License of suppliers
License of suppliers
There is no requirement for us to have a licence because of the very low concentration of product ingredients in the finished product. Products are manufactured to our formula by an authorised chemical company who carry the necessary licences for handling concentrated product components.
Our lens cleaning solution is classified as a ‘Non-hazardous Product’ according to NOHSC (National Occupational Health and Safety Commission).
It is not scheduled under ‘Dangerous Goods’, it is not a cosmetic and it is not for human consumption.